Welcome to Firefish Software's free business healthcheck tool

Assess your business against the 27 key drivers of growth and profitabilty, and benchmark your business against your industry peers to see how you compare.

Start the Firefish Pulse now

Firefish Software

About Firefish

Firefish Software is taking the recruitment software market by storm. We are a Software as a Service (SaaS) company, servicing 26 countries and doubling the important numbers year on year. We are out to inspire the next generation of recruiters and maximize their placement opportunities from their candidate data through a movement we call predictive recruitment.


Why Pulse?

The Pulse will enable you to assess your business online for free against the 27 key drivers of profitability, as well as benchmarking yourself against your peers to see how you compare.

You have the option to delve deeper into your unique Pulse dashboard with a tailored guide which will enable you to make effective enhancements in how you work.

With the ability to continuously re-assess your business for free you can ensure you are on the road to consistant improvement.

This method of relfection and development is key to becoming the best you can be, as a business and as an employer.


More about Firefish

One in three recruitment agencies have a database where only 10% of their candidates’ information is up-to-date in the system. Firefish can increase this to 80% in six months.

Every recruiter’s nightmare is missing out on a placement when the perfect candidate was in their database already, but they didn’t know because the information was out of date. That’s why Firefish doesn’t just store candidate data; it’s an engagement engine designed to help recruiters achieve the maximum placements from that data. 

The average recruitment agency has lots of online tools: applicant tracking system, website, job boards, social media. But with little or no integration between them, candidates get lost between the gaps to competing agencies. Firefish leaves no gaps: the applicant tracking system, website, marketing and social channels are all integrated to maximise placement opportunities.

Visit the Firefish Website

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Check the Pulse of your Business

In just a few minutes, without leaving your desk, you can quickly assess your recruitment business to see just how efficient and effective it really is and whether it is truly maximising its potential ...all for free!

Pulse has been produced by a leading group of recruitment industry experts and business advisors.

Find out more about us

here or

Start the Pulse now